for the Hudson Valley, NY!

for New York City

in Philadelphia!

in Hartford - Greenwich!

Staten Island to Cape May!

in Long Island to the Hamptons

CERN's electraEMF' Expert
Bringing Licensed Technical, Clinical, Medical and Legal experts together for solutions for the most complex 4-5G EMF RF EMI Environments
We have developed a unmatched at any level a foundation built upon over 20 years of experience for developing the best solutions with epidemiology integrations from Imperial College London, CERN Geneva, Royal Academy, NYC RCA Institute, Sarnoff Electronics and Communications Labs, Princeton NJ, IBEW, UWV, IEEE, BAE, Bell Labs that second no none.
Who We Are
Our Services

Home Buyer and Agents
Caveat Emptor: If you intend to build, purchase or rent a new office, home, apartment or have a EMF exposure health concern we are here for you as such experts. One recent frightening case involved a misinformed immature amateur “certified EMF consultant” stating an apartment unit in a new building (rented by two nurses) was safe in Staten Island. The nurses were still experiencing distress called us. Upon our investigation it was the most elevated exposure ever identified risk fields 60 times the limit. The lease was terminated and It was vacated immediately upon our detailed report.

EMF EMI 5G Exposure Testing
- Clinical Environmental Exposure Experts
- EMF Testing 2-3-4-5G
by State and Industry Licensed Experts - Civil Contractual Tort Harassment Matters
- Legal Consultations and Support
Our engineers are peer-reviewed doctors and medical scientists and academically published. As highly integrated scientific electronic technical and medical EMF risk exposure scientists , we investigate on-site for any EMF spectrum-related concerns. Working America’s leading medically published medical EMF epidemiologist.
EMF risk exposure testing is first and foremost about your health, safety, identifying the risks, the cause, and then providing solutions. We have provided such services in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, and Connecticut for architects, engineers, and routinely for schools, municipal buildings, police departments, schools, the corporate executive office of communications companies, businesses, government offices, and residential properties for over two decades.
Our civil tort and legal staff (former DA) engage for our studies that may involve health effects, personal injury, invasion of privacy, security, personal threats, or harassment.
Our investigations have identified unrecognized and concealed antennas, cameras, and monitoring devices embedded in walls, ceilings, and furnishings after shamans calling themselves “forensic investigators” that had no background or any recognizable licensing authority for such activity.
We provide consultations based upon the science, not upon sham hearsay comments, and writings that are not bona fide. There are times EMF cases are, or become legal matters involving civil, contractual, and at times harassment-related. We have dad cases where actual threats we made (manager in Long Island). Other cases with antennas directed at other homes were reported (Princeton NJ). As experts, we review each case with only select cases accepted.
There are times in Manhattan buyers entered into a contract only later discovered exposure sources presence. Based upon our studies, and reporting under such circumstances if you need terminate a contract, break a purchase or lease agreement, or must file a claim for risk exposure circumstances our experts have previously testified in the Supreme and administrative Courts of Westchester and Manhattan NY and numerous Superior Courts in NJ for such cases. Also having similar standing in all other states.

EMF New Family Health

Clinical Record Reviews
For all health risk and exposure matters our doctor in clinical epidemiology provides and initial free diagnostic review in such cases before accepting such cases as part of the technical, medcial and legal integrations.
Home Buyer and Agents
For any new home or property walk about and look up and around you. Towers and cellular poles are often disguised. We have had many clients that began the home purchasing process in the spring, went into the summer, then closed in the fall. After moving in and at the end of the fall trees leaves came down and lo and behold there were power lines, cell, and HV towers, and major communications installations. We provided the best environmental health services for over 20 years in metro NYC and states of NY, NJ, CT, PA and DE by state and industry licensed IBEW electronics and communications engineering technologists for your desired requirements.
If a new office, home, or apartment is proximate to EMF or 4-5G fields or emission sources you may wish to have the property inspected before occupation by our licensed experts and importantly before the regular inspection.
Agents-Protect your reputations. Many agents have been deceived by fake meter readers and sham certificates issued to anyone as we recently dismissed in NYC courts and others in NJ (Verizon). Assure retaining such as our services of highly experienced state licensed and clinical industrial hygiene experts.
Before you invest in a new home, call and speak to our expert at no fee.
- Expert Search
EMF Testing and Environmental Health Services for New Jersey NY NYC CT DE PA
We have been in practice for over 20 years. You must first be a fully licensed electronics and communications engineer to fully understand the electron, the quanta and many related fields. For exposure diagnostics a high level of clinical medical integrations is mandatory elsewise the numbers of multiple levels in the exposure environmental are meaningless. Did you know in the past that EMF meters were used for “ghost busting”? Same people now are making these readings.
We are not self appointed EMF consultants with sham papermill certificates that are not recognized by any electronic engineers, technical medical or legal authorities. These “consultants” have no degrees, no mandatory state or industry licensing or any lawful background wandering about toying with meters such as the recent EMF fear sellers and their marketing pyramid out of Manhattan and Westchester County. Electrical testing requires state licensing due to the high risk and danger associated with it. Non licensed are not permitted under law to make or direct consumers to make any electrical chances, nor put a meter on any electrical line, circuits and systems that must be performed for any meaningful diagnostic testing. Inexperienced in electronics engineering EMF amateurs have been terrorizing clients and patients and ordering them to tamper with electrical systems, especially selling expensive ineffective grounding that was of no value based upon misinformation such amateurs read . EMF meters alone can not perform the necessary electronic diagnosis. The EMF EMR 5G Environmental health services is the best option for you.
All our EMF exposure investigations are by fully licensed, technically and medically qualified, experienced in EMF, and as court-certified expert witnesses.
- Call Now
Consult outstanding industry professionals
Quickly retain experts with effective communication skills, leading industry experience, and exceptional academic credentials.
- Expert Search
Our Corporate HR Personnel services
Our experts have also had early careers in executive technical management at RCA, IBM and the banking industry working with Fortune 500 companies and their executives for decades.
Due diligence: Corporate executives have learned to protect their reputations. Business leaders have been terminated for hiring unlicensed sham “EMF consultants”. Such consultants and their misconceived activity, bogus reports citing immaterial hearsay have caused unnecessary costs with immaterial technical changes and related distress. When we were called to review, their activity and so-called “reports” they were dismissed.
What are “EMF” Consultants?
These are meter reader amateurs, that are totally unqualified individuals, that recently appeared, they have no qualifying electronics background (changing light bulbs does not qualify), with some formerly using EMF meter for “ghost detection” in Manhattan until noticing and attempting to emulated electraEMF’s professional practice no mandatory state-issued licensing. Consultants are not lawfully qualified to protect you, the public, and your employees, for them to perform any electrical-electronic-related services, having bona fide experience, or any recognizable authority. The environmental health services we have integrated are at the highest levels available nationally for any health, technical or contractual needs.
Many are falsely claiming they have electronics engineering degrees, state and industry licensing that is mandatory and other misleading claims. They believe you can read web pages, take an online overnight EMF certificate, the study offered by unaccredited self-made academies and sell you fear. We have been sent and seen their writings in the courts. They produce nothing of material value that you cannot learn or conclude yourself from similar web readings. Consultants are talkers and as stated. Consultants will talk to you over the phone ad nauseam but have no bona fide credentials, no lawful authority or technical ability to come to your home or office, report and number, or touch any circuits with their toy meters. Licensing is mandatory. Obtain such in writing.
Our Licensed Experts
Our licensed court certified expert witness has provided EMF and 4-5G related environmental health, and advanced technical services for residential and corporate needs in NY NJ CT PA DE MD VA including for some of the largest communications companies. For select cases, we work closely with personnel departments, human resources, and executives to report our study findings as we have for large communications companies. Our licensed engineers provide reports for facilities managers and maintenance engineers for any technical services required or recommended. You will meet our medical scientists, that are highly experienced, state and industry-licensed EMF EMR RF 2-3-4-5 and now 6G, and electronic engineering technologists that are clinical-medical-legal exposure experts.
The scientists of Spectral electraEMF™ have decades of a technical and medically integrated experience that this practice demands. this includes the fields of operations research, systems engineering, banking security, networking communications, advanced systems programming, electronic engineering, design, and performance analysis of all EMF EMR RF producing systems. Our scientists include published medical scientists and doctors, leading research lab scientists engineers from A T&T, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technology, IBM, and many others…. and are professionally recognized technologists. We are court-certified legal expert witnesses for forensic reporting for both civil and criminal matters. If there is an interest a 20-page technical medical CV is available for high-order cases.
Customer Feedback
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What We Do:
EMF Technical Medical:
Safe Home & Workplace
Welcome, we are mandatory state and industry licensed Electronics and Communications Engineers. We perform clinical, medical and legal practice and are Experienced Experts for you with over 20 years of service provided in metro NYC, NJ, CT, DE, and PA. We provide professional Environmental health services in Sparta NJ.
(Add “read more” here Make hyperlink to an inner page with complete content)
ElectraEMF’s medical experts have seen many cancer cases including breast, ovarian, testicular and prostate caused by EMF exposure. Outlining how and when moms, infants and children are at the highest risk to EMF EMS exposure. Once a fully clinically integrated technical study is performed, EMF testing services in Sparta NJ, is used for a Safe and Health Home in Westchester Tarrytown NYC NY New Jersey Connecticut. Normal causation is low-frequency EMF through 2-3-4-5G, and high-frequency RFR spectrum outdoor- indoor and sources unrecognized by EMF meter readers. This is especially true for schools. As medical experts, we fully understand that EMF sensitivity and risk exposure is first and foremost for your personal and family’s health. In over a 20-year period we have seen hundreds of cases in NYC alone requiring EMF sensitivity testing, affecting overall health and quality of life at many levels. All is achieved with our technical, clinical and medical integrations which we recognize.
You may call us today for our required experienced and mandatory licensed experts for any and all EMF or any 2-3-4- 5 G-related concerns. Our extensive clinical medical experience for this practice answer all the unanswered questions about EMF exposure. For those that are medical professionals and MDs understanding our standard soon recognize our clinical epidemiological experience as critical and essential for the DX in our practice.
For Professionals, Agents, Engineers, Doctors, and Attorneys you may wish to listen to this very informative 30-minute interview with electraEMF’s EMF Medical Professor here from a broadcast in FOX Radio Show with REMAX on January 2, 2022.
We deliver the professional Environmental health services in Sparta NJ, As state and industry licensed we have been certified by the courts as expert witnesses for reporting, infra.
Be cautious of the recent area overnight self-appointed meter readers calling themselves “EMF consultants” that without any accredited degree of electronics engineering education, falsely claiming licensing and other qualifications. They present EMF certificates from “paper mills” that are without any legal authority. Examine any such certificates closely as they a laughable to engineers. EMF consultants will routinely refer you to the internet for what their papers/reports mean. Other consultants will refer you to us for a conclusive review. Our professional team provide EMF testing services in Sparta NJ, We have many of their reports from attorneys and client/victims of their sham activity. They charge more than licensed professionals and in many cases do not provide a written report. We find in all cases that misconceived, wrongful, and incompetent testing /activity was performed for their failed diagnostics that would be rejected in any court of law. We are the best for providing environmental health services in Sparta NJ.
Assure mandatory critical electronic engineering technical licensing, experience, and clinical-medical experience required for this practice. Business and government management, recognizing that qualified and extensive experience is required as such is mandated as a matter of law and to protect their reputation as a business professional as a “due diligence” requirement. Non-licensed writings are without any practical, professional or legal standing.
You may call us for free consultation, guidance and for additional information.
We have been called by users of EMF testers when there were no satisfactory answers. Do not be misled. We are not one of the new overnight “EMF consultants” that have recently appeared in NYC and NJ with clever marketing and instant paid for web references from the same family. These are falsely claiming state mandated electrical licensing, and a delusional stating being a recent IEEE scientists based upon their magazine subscription. They have no understanding other than citing common Internet misinformation. These consultants have shamed attorneys, agents, engineers, architects, and other professionals that have used their fake reports/papers only to later discover the fraudulent nature of their activity.
We have many of their reports in our possession that were given to us by clients, agents, and attorneys. These reports effectively exposed EMF consultants’ activity and their misconceptions for their activity and such were dismissed in Manhattan and Philadelphia courts. Such reports were found to be erroneous in failing to provide the necessary critical information required to recognize if and when risks are present.
All of their reports will refer you to find licensed experts for a final determination of what their readings mean for the exposure diagnostics and will tell you they are not responsible for any of their failures. This tells you, they themselves do not understand what they are doing, and becomes an admission their work is incomplete being in effect no better than your own readings.
What are EMF safe level numbers?
We do not roll out numbers. As having a lifelong background in electronics at every level and are highly experienced medically with over 20 years in our practice for EMF health and safety, we fully understand all the IEEE, FCC, NIH, NEC, CDC, and other exposure referenced standards nationally and internationally. The environmental health services in Sparta NJ, deliver the outstanding work. As medically published and recognized epidemiological experts, we are fully integrated for the electronic, technical, and at times, for your possible legal/contractual/lease/buyer needs for buyer and seller interests.
What is the best standard for EMF safety?
The standards cited on the Internet are misinterpreted and inapplicable. We will in fact report precisely what your exposure involves and answer all questions. More importantly, we ask critical questions others fail to formulate that must be asked. It is about our extensive integrated medical and EMF technical background and decades of experience!
EMF Expert Report Reviews
Detailed reviews of reports. EMF exposure testing is meaningless for any critical reporting coming from anyone, that is not the electronic and medical professionals such as electraEMFtechnical ‘s state licensed engineer, court certified medical experts provide on-site exposure diagnostics. For EMF testing services in Sparta NJ, the electra EMF technical is the best solution.
Most importantly for critical health, and legal buyer contractual matters. electraEMFtechnical ™ has been called on numerous occasions in the past 3 years’ times to review self-appointed “EMF Consultants” meter reader’s so-called “reports” and found them to be severely deficient and dismissed at nearly every level in Manhattan Court.
Advanced 4-5G Exposure Experts:
Does 5G EMF affect health?
For EMF exposure our clinical medical expert has seen countless cases where EMF sensitivity resulting effects on human health at many levels. Our clinical-medical EMF engineers have investigated for 2-3-4-5G HF RFR frequencies and recently 6G subsystems affecting an MS patient not recognizable by any other. Now such fields are entering into the terahertz range bring on a new and broader understanding. As former IBM AI programmers, we are also fully prepared for 7- G for EMF clinical exposure studies.
Call for an initial consultation with our expert for any health disorder or concerns.
(Add “read more” here Make hyperlink to an inner page with complete content)
(Add “read more” here Make hyperlink to an inner page with complete content)
ElectraEMF’s medical experts have seen many cancer cases including breast, ovarian, testicular and prostate caused by EMF exposure. Outlining how and when moms, infants and children are at the highest risk to EMF EMS exposure. Once a fully clinically integrated technical study is performed, EMF Testing is used for a Safe and Health Home in Westchester Tarrytown NYC NY New Jersey Connecticut. Normal causation is low-frequency EMF through 2-3-4-5G, and high-frequency RFR spectrum outdoor- indoor and sources unrecognized by EMF meter readers. This is especially true for schools. As medical experts, we fully understand that EMF sensitivity and risk exposure is first and foremost for your personal and family’s health. In over a 20-year period we have seen hundreds of cases in NYC alone requiring EMF sensitivity testing, affecting overall health and quality of life at many levels. All is achieved with our technical, clinical and medical integrations which we recognize.
You may call us today for our required experienced and mandatory licensed experts for any and all EMF or any 2-3-4- 5 G-related concerns. Our extensive clinical medical experience for this practice answer all the unanswered questions about EMF exposure. For those that are medical professionals and MDs understanding our standard soon recognize our clinical epidemiological experience as critical and essential for the DX in our practice.
For Professionals, Agents, Engineers, Doctors, and Attorneys you may wish to listen to this very informative 30-minute interview with electraEMF’s EMF Medical Professor here from a broadcast in FOX Radio Show with REMAX on January 2, 2022.
As state and industry licensed we have been certified by the courts as expert witnesses for reporting, infra.
Be cautious of the recent area overnight self-appointed meter readers calling themselves “EMF consultants” that without any accredited degree of electronics engineering education, falsely claiming licensing and other qualifications. They present EMF certificates from “paper mills” that are without any legal authority. Examine any such certificates closely as they a laughable to engineers. EMF consultants will routinely refer you to the internet for what their papers/reports mean. Other consultants will refer you to us for a conclusive review. We have many of their reports from attorneys and client/victims of their sham activity. They charge more than licensed professionals and in many cases do not provide a written report. We find in all cases that misconceived, wrongful, and incompetent testing /activity was performed for their failed diagnostics that would be rejected in any court of law.
Assure mandatory critical electronic engineering technical licensing, experience, and clinical-medical experience required for this practice. Business and government management, recognizing that qualified and extensive experience is required as such is mandated as a matter of law and to protect their reputation as a business professional as a “due diligence” requirement. Non-licensed writings are without any practical, professional or legal standing.
You may call us for free consultation, guidance and for additional information.
We have been called by users of EMF testers when there were no satisfactory answers. Do not be misled. We are not one of the new overnight “EMF consultants” that have recently appeared in NYC and NJ with clever marketing and instant paid for web references from the same family. These are falsely claiming state mandated electrical licensing, and a delusional stating being a recent IEEE scientists based upon their magazine subscription. They have no understanding other than citing common Internet misinformation. These consultants have shamed attorneys, agents, engineers, architects, and other professionals that have used their fake reports/papers only to later discover the fraudulent nature of their activity.
We have many of their reports in our possession that were given to us by clients, agents, and attorneys. These reports effectively exposed EMF consultants’ activity and their misconceptions for their activity and such were dismissed in Manhattan and Philadelphia courts. Such reports were found to be erroneous in failing to provide the necessary critical information required to recognize if and when risks are present.
All of their reports will refer you to find licensed experts for a final determination of what their readings mean for the exposure diagnostics and will tell you they are not responsible for any of their failures. This tells you, they themselves do not understand what they are doing, and becomes an admission their work is incomplete being in effect no better than your own readings.
2-3-4-5- G and 6-G Case Report
2-3-4-5-6 G systems are multi-generational communications architectures that at times are near and or are within or enter residential properties that may create fields influencing health or affecting underlying disorders we recognize. When we identify such we outline the clinical medical effects and provide guidance for solutions on a case-by-case basis.
At times our engineers can and will provide solutions on-site at no additional fees.
We have diagnosed some of the only cases of a 5 and 6 G presence that had debilitating effects on a patient unrecognizable by any consultants. In addition to other EMF and environmental exposure factors involving a 48 y.o. female in Hartford, Ct. Fully solving all exposure factors. 6 G exposure clinical medical case review reported here: LINK (http://subclinical.org/news/press031119.html)
We provide full electronic, technical, and clinical/medical diagnostic support with all the necessary expertise. Amateur meter readers are not licensed and are not permitted under law to put any electronic probes, meters, tools on any electrical power sources, electrical lines and electro-technical gear that must be performed for any proper and meaningful measurements for testing. Some of you may recall, that EMF meters were used in measuring magnetic fields for “ghost detection” mostly in NYC in the past. These “ghostbusters” are now claiming to be licensed engineers and EMF consultants.
Look about your prospective new home
Special tip for the new home buyers: You must walk and look about any new property in consideration before lease/purchase carefully. Often EMF/RFR emission sources are camouflaged or disguised. Amateur meter readers do not know how to properly determine such highly complex technical risks studies required.
Civic Duty to Inform the Public
We are under oath New York and New Jersey Court Certified and Appointed Special Advocates for the protection of the public since 2002.
A warning to you the trusting innocent public about EMF consultants. In our many decades in this practice, we have never seen or have had to be in a position to report what we see is clearly a risk to the people. We see incompetence, deception, and other unethical activities in NJ and NY by the same agents. In our additional capacity as legal counselors, lawyers, and private attorneys general it is also our duty to inform the public.
NYC law requires electrical service licensing. Many have been misled about licensing, it is mandatory for this practice to protect your health, safety and in any agency capacity your professional reputation.
Non licensed have no meaningful understanding of the electrical profession and are telling consumers to perform meritless and unnecessary grounding work, cut pipes, buy expensive heavy shielding, filters, wire mesh cloth. They put on irrelevant oscilloscope shows and tell you to purchase their expensive “Gram-Setzer dirty electricity filters” that are of no relevant technical, or clinical value. Yes, pure misinformation.
Most importantly for critical health, and legal buyer contractual matters. electraEMFtechnical ™ has been called on numerous occasions in the past 3 years’ times to review self-appointed “EMF Consultants” meter reader’s so-called “reports” and found them to be severely deficient and dismissed at nearly every level in Manhattan Court.
What is Full EMF Testing?
We are under oath New York and New Jersey Court Certified and Appointed Special Advocates for the protection of the public since 2002.
EMF Consultants in NYC Westchester and New Jersey come from the same family. We have copies of their reports provided by attorneys with their misconceptions. EMF “consultants” are not NYC mandatory licensed (falsely claim they are) and are not lawfully permitted to touch potentially deadly electrical circuits that are in the home or office that is required for any proper testing. Simple magnetic readings are not sufficient for any EMF full conclusive technical diagnostic purposes. They also have no licensing authority to direct you or anyone else to do any work, as such may result in shock, injury, or instant death. We have documented many cases of EMF consultant’s activity has caused clients great expense when ordering them to make electrical changes that had no reason to be performed and in fact increased the potential for injury or death.
As clinical-medical doctors for the diagnostic effects of EMF exposure we see that “meter readers” presenting themselves as electronic engineers in NYC and NJ have terrified and misled many of our now our clients/patients into performing needless shielding, screens, grounding, and dangerous rewiring while not recognizing the real causes or the actual emission sources. We have reported their activity to state attorney’s generals in NY, NJ, CT, and PA, and other consumer protection agencies.
NYC law requires electrical service licensing. Many have been misled about licensing, it is mandatory for this practice to protect your health, safety and in any agency capacity your professional reputation.
Non licensed have no meaningful understanding of the electrical profession and are telling consumers to perform meritless and unnecessary grounding work, cut pipes, buy expensive heavy shielding, filters, wire mesh cloth. They put on irrelevant oscilloscope shows and tell you to purchase their expensive “Gram-Setzer dirty electricity filters” that are of no relevant technical, or clinical value. Yes, pure misinformation.
Most importantly for critical health, and legal buyer contractual matters. electraEMFtechnical ™ has been called on numerous occasions in the past 3 years’ times to review self-appointed “EMF Consultants” meter reader’s so-called “reports” and found them to be severely deficient and dismissed at nearly every level in Manhattan Court.
What is the Faraday Cage?
Spectral Analytical Sciences electronic lab has employed Faraday’s related technology for our own decades of some of the most advanced research (industrial-military-security cases). Misrepresented as sold by EMF amateurs this cage is merely a “flea net” unknowingly the wire mesh, like many window wire screens, merely reduces common TV and radio signals and does nothing of any material-technical value regarding exposure, while at the same time having zero effects on the most critical EMF exposure factors that are present that are now exist or even understand how to detect.
Family Health & Safety First:
EMF Health Sensitivity Testing
We as State and Industry licensed electronics and Communications Engineers understand EMF risk testing is highly complex and is far more than about meter readings and certainly not for self-appointed EMF so-called consultants with fake certificates. We are the for providing Environmental health services in Sparta NJ.
This is especially true for anyone experiencing any health-related issues. Meter reader consultants have no clinical medical background nor any authority or qualifications for the applied diagnostics for such EMF studies. Misinterpreted Internet references are not to be used for any technical or clinical diagnostics. We continuously get calls from patients experiencing LF EMF and HF 2-3-4-5 G exposure and see EMF tester after EMF tester with their confusing amateur reports from clients, especially those that have ongoing health issues unresolved that may be associated with EMF sensitivity. With our extensive medical experience, we definitively solve all cases.
(Add “read more” here Make hyperlink to an inner page with complete content)
Our advanced EMF EMR RFR systems’ technology, tools, and instrumentation employed are outside and unknown to the understanding of any consultants. Nearly all the meters you purchase will misinform you. Licensed engineers require over 10,000 hours of electronic and communications technologies work as professional experience before licenses are issued.
Licensed electronic engineers will share a secret meter reader consultants do not want you to know: Your iPhone or Android is an EMF EMR RFR meter but without the needed application software. For those who wish to attempt some preliminary readings, and have an interest in doing so, there is a solution:
Here is a link for some of the many free phone EMF applications (add hyperlink) (https://freeappsforme.com/emf-detector-apps/) that are available on the web that often are as good as, and many that in fact as our licensed experts engineers will tell you how and why these may provide EMF – RF field indications that are better, than even the most expensive common meters.
Our electronic and communication engineers have conducted hundreds of EMF RFR studies in Manhattan alone in over 20 years for maintenance engineers, architects, property managers, and tenants. All boroughs covered, Staten Island, Long Island out to the Hamptons for residences of some of the top builders in NYC.
These free phone applications as mentioned will give you an excellent indication of EMF fields that are equal to the same as the meter reader consultants. EMF meters alone cannot perform the necessary EMF exposure diagnosis, but the phone apps give you an idea of the fields that are present. Under no circumstance, are you to enter any areas with such signs posted with antennas or high voltage towers, substations, or other lines. Never ever touch anything. In many cases, EMF RFR injury is taking place unnoticeably until significant symptoms appear. Our warning signs have been posted at many of our inspected sites.
If your readings indicate some levels are of concern, you may contact email us (https://electraemftechnical.com/contact/) and ask to have one of our EMF technical, medical, or legal experts schedule to call you for a free consultation.
Call for an initial consultation with our expert for any health disorder or concerns.
(Add “read more” here Make hyperlink to an inner page with complete content)
(Add “read more” here Make hyperlink to an inner page with complete content)
ElectraEMF’s medical experts have seen many cancer cases including breast, ovarian, testicular and prostate caused by EMF exposure. Outlining how and when moms, infants and children are at the highest risk to EMF EMS exposure. Once a fully clinically integrated technical study is performed, EMF Testing is used for a Safe and Health Home in Westchester Tarrytown NYC NY New Jersey Connecticut. Normal causation is low-frequency EMF through 2-3-4-5G, and high-frequency RFR spectrum outdoor- indoor and sources unrecognized by EMF meter readers. This is especially true for schools. As medical experts, we fully understand that EMF sensitivity and risk exposure is first and foremost for your personal and family’s health. In over a 20-year period we have seen hundreds of cases in NYC alone requiring EMF sensitivity testing, affecting overall health and quality of life at many levels. All is achieved with our technical, clinical and medical integrations which we recognize.
You may call us today for our required experienced and mandatory licensed experts for any and all EMF or any 2-3-4- 5 G-related concerns. Our extensive clinical medical experience for this practice answer all the unanswered questions about EMF exposure. For those that are medical professionals and MDs understanding our standard soon recognize our clinical epidemiological experience as critical and essential for the DX in our practice.
For Professionals, Agents, Engineers, Doctors, and Attorneys you may wish to listen to this very informative 30-minute interview with electraEMF’s EMF Medical Professor here from a broadcast in FOX Radio Show with REMAX on January 2, 2022.
As state and industry licensed we have been certified by the courts as expert witnesses for reporting, infra.
Be cautious of the recent area overnight self-appointed meter readers calling themselves “EMF consultants” that without any accredited degree of electronics engineering education, falsely claiming licensing and other qualifications. They present EMF certificates from “paper mills” that are without any legal authority. Examine any such certificates closely as they a laughable to engineers. EMF consultants will routinely refer you to the internet for what their papers/reports mean. Other consultants will refer you to us for a conclusive review. We have many of their reports from attorneys and client/victims of their sham activity. They charge more than licensed professionals and in many cases do not provide a written report. We find in all cases that misconceived, wrongful, and incompetent testing /activity was performed for their failed diagnostics that would be rejected in any court of law.
Assure mandatory critical electronic engineering technical licensing, experience, and clinical-medical experience required for this practice. Business and government management, recognizing that qualified and extensive experience is required as such is mandated as a matter of law and to protect their reputation as a business professional as a “due diligence” requirement. Non-licensed writings are without any practical, professional or legal standing.
You may call us for free consultation, guidance and for additional information.
We have been called by users of EMF testers when there were no satisfactory answers. Do not be misled. We are not one of the new overnight “EMF consultants” that have recently appeared in NYC and NJ with clever marketing and instant paid for web references from the same family. These are falsely claiming state mandated electrical licensing, and a delusional stating being a recent IEEE scientists based upon their magazine subscription. They have no understanding other than citing common Internet misinformation. These consultants have shamed attorneys, agents, engineers, architects, and other professionals that have used their fake reports/papers only to later discover the fraudulent nature of their activity.
We have many of their reports in our possession that were given to us by clients, agents, and attorneys. These reports effectively exposed EMF consultants’ activity and their misconceptions for their activity and such were dismissed in Manhattan and Philadelphia courts. Such reports were found to be erroneous in failing to provide the necessary critical information required to recognize if and when risks are present.
All of their reports will refer you to find licensed experts for a final determination of what their readings mean for the exposure diagnostics and will tell you they are not responsible for any of their failures. This tells you, they themselves do not understand what they are doing, and becomes an admission their work is incomplete being in effect no better than your own readings.
What is the proper Use of EMF Meter and associated tools?
Special note: Although your own magnetic, RF and related field readings and understanding will be as good or better than the EMF consultants that are toying about with their gadgets and spewing their misconceptions you will have less than half of the exposure readings necessary without the additional highly specialized technologies. These are required for every valid field safety study.
Our engineers from Spectral Analytical Sciences and electraEMF employ the most advanced technology that we routinely employ for some of the most critical health exposure studies. Such is unknown to any consultants. We share some of this in our consultations.
At times our engineers can and will provide solutions on-site at no additional fees.
We have diagnosed some of the only cases of a 5 and 6 G presence that had debilitating effects on a patient unrecognizable by any consultants. In addition to other EMF and environmental exposure factors involving a 48 y.o. female in Hartford, Ct. Fully solving all exposure factors. 6 G exposure clinical medical case review reported here: LINK (http://subclinical.org/news/press031119.html)
We provide full electronic, technical, and clinical/medical diagnostic support with all the necessary expertise. Amateur meter readers are not licensed and are not permitted under law to put any electronic probes, meters, tools on any electrical power sources, electrical lines and electro-technical gear that must be performed for any proper and meaningful measurements for testing. Some of you may recall, that EMF meters were used in measuring magnetic fields for “ghost detection” mostly in NYC in the past. These “ghostbusters” are now claiming to be licensed engineers and EMF consultants.
Should I buy an EMF meter?
Anyone reviewing the Amazon reviews popular meters will see that the knowledgeable buyers returned their meters for the numerous problems. Nearly all of our clients return their devices after our EMF studies. We will tell you as electronic engineers there are too many issues with the use of these devices. This includes the Tri-fields, Gigahertz, and others. They are not designed for meaningful health risk exposure testing.
It is important to recognize meter reading EMF consultants are impractical for for any high order health, safety, technological, or legal/contractual requirements for this practice. We routinely get calls from clients and patients after their failed experiences from consultants. Dismayed clients learned from us they did not solve the problem after spending thousands of dollars from making changes to their homes, offices, and electrical systems. Some were never given their written reports and were abandoned by the consultants in Westchester County New York.
EMF medical professor (JMD) is quoted as saying “A scalpel, in the hands of an amateur, is just a butter knife, but in the hands of a board licensed experienced surgeon, it then becomes a professional instrument used as it is intended to be” EMF related operations require numerous highly specialized scalpels with the required developed dexterity”
Protect Your Investment and Reputation
If you act as an agent or in any capacity as for real property, or a medical doctor, health care provider, manager, or other we cannot overemphasize the embarrassment and worse (terminations) that has befallen some for the use of delusional EMF consultants Many have suffered severely from the use of EMF consultant activity.
EMF consultants are incompetently attempting to perform licensed services that put your professional career at great risk. Have in fact created dangerous changes that increased the risk of fire, electrical shock and malfunctioning of electrical systems. Needless to say, they are without any authority for such reporting.
Protect Your Investment and Reputation
If you are a trustee or act as an agent in any capacity for real property, or a medical doctor, health care provider, manager, or other we cannot overemphasize the embarrassment and worse (terminations) that has befallen some for the use of sham EMF consultants Many have suffered severely from the use of EMF consultant activity. The electra EMF technical present the best Environmental health services in sprata NJ.
EMF consultants are incompetently attempting to perform licensed services that put your professional career at great risk. They have in fact created dangerous changes that increased the risk of fire, electrical shock and malfunctioning of electrical systems from their activity. Needless to say, they are without any authority for such reporting.
EMF is high can I get my property value back?
We are under oath New York and New Jersey Court Certified and Appointed Special Advocates for the protection of the public since 2002.
We have numerous clients who suffered tremendous property value losses of up to 80% from amateur “reports”. With our follow-up studies and reports and our authority to direct remedies as we identify the property owners were able to rehabilitate their property value being causation dependent. In cases where there are unacceptable levels as our court-certified expert witness report, our EMF legal counselor will provide legal guidance for options and solutions.
As clinical-medical doctors for the diagnostic effects of EMF exposure we see that “meter readers” presenting themselves as electronic engineers in NYC and NJ have terrified and misled many of our now our clients/patients into performing needless shielding, screens, grounding, and dangerous rewiring while not recognizing the real causes or the actual emission sources. We have reported their activity to state attorney’s generals in NY, NJ, CT, and PA, and other consumer protection agencies.
NYC law requires electrical service licensing. Many have been misled about licensing, it is mandatory for this practice to protect your health, safety and in any agency capacity your professional reputation.
Non licensed have no meaningful understanding of the electrical profession and are telling consumers to perform meritless and unnecessary grounding work, cut pipes, buy expensive heavy shielding, filters, wire mesh cloth. They put on irrelevant oscilloscope shows and tell you to purchase their expensive “Gram-Setzer dirty electricity filters” that are of no relevant technical, or clinical value. Yes, pure misinformation.
Most importantly for critical health, and legal buyer contractual matters. electraEMFtechnical ™ has been called on numerous occasions in the past 3 years’ times to review self-appointed “EMF Consultants” meter reader’s so-called “reports” and found them to be severely deficient and dismissed at nearly every level in Manhattan Court.
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Call Us On 347-491-9867
EMF EMI 4-5G Scientific Studies